
Friday, January 17, 2014

Final Day

Wow, time really flew by!  Sadly, our winternship has come to an end.  This was a short but very rewarding experience.  As any other day, the morning was focused on finishing up our projects and video.  But this morning was a little bit different.  I found it nice and a little funny that our internship started with everyone working in their own separate areas at their own desks but today John, Conor, and Allison (while missing Alyssa) all sat at the same table and enjoyed each other's company.  Something as small as that can really show how well this internship was and how everyone got to know each other.  For our farewell lunch, we had delicious Lino's food as well as a birthday cake for Sarah (courtesy of Maryanne).  

I think I can speak for all the interns when I say that this was a great experience!  We learned a lot in a short amount of time while also having fun.  Everyone was very welcoming and I feel lucky to have met the people who make Conserve Lake County what it is.  If anyone is looking for an internship, you should definitely consider this one.  You won't be disappointed!

Last but not least, here is our final video of our "winternship"..

1 comment:

  1. I was hoping to intern over the winter break, but I was unable to meet the scheduling requirements. Super bummed because it looks like you guys had a blast! But more importantly, you gained a lot of experience and am sure learned a lot along the way. Loved reading the blog and the video was great! Good song choice by the way ;) Cheers to conservation!
